~Terms and Conditions~
When shopping with BuildMeABear.Biz I intend to provide you with the very best Customer Service in the industry!
If you do decide to engage in a conversation with me about a product or designing a product for you, there is no obligation whatsoever to purchase until we both decide that the product and the price are agreeable to both of us! At that time your purchase will be processed through the store and the payment will be collected.
If there are any issues with your product please inform me immediately and I will work diligently to correct or remedy any issues that you may have! This in no way guarantees that I will be able to solve every problem every time, but I will of course do my very best to make every one of my customers happy!
I do unconditionally reserve the right to refuse my services to anyone at anytime.
Please note that I am a single individual creating these items and wait times for projects are my best projected estimates and may vary.
All "Made to Order" purchases are created on a first come first serve basis!
If you purchase a "Made to order" item without a Free Personal Consultation, I will quickly contact you with an estimate on how long your order is expected to take. If the expected wait time is not agreeable to you, or if for some reason I cannot accept your projects commission, I will gladly refund your purchase in full!
You can find the Mailing List Subscription box at the very bottom of this or any page!
Be sure to check your email and confirm your subscription afterward to receive brief occasional NewsNotes...Well, whenever I get around to actually sending more out..
FREE SHIPPING NOTE: Most Items Considered "JUMBO" in the Shop are typicaly "Oversized" items. "Oversized" items in the shop or items weighing more than 10 pounds, like the dragon shown above, are NOT included in NOR are they covered by the "Spend $75.00 or more and get FREE Shipping" Offer. Such "Oversized" items WILL have shipping or freight charges applied accordingly.
I do my very best to keep the shipping of items as affordable as possible for both of our wallets, by charging you the exact or less than actual shipping price! Please note that as of 3/1/2022 it is now just at $9.00 to Priority Mail ship a SMALL USPS Box.
Thank you for supporting a Black, Navy Veteran Owner Business in these hard times!
GOD Bless!